Body Measurement and Analysis Application

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Body Measurement and Analysis Application


All Athlete, a fitness technology company, sought to create a comprehensive body measurement and analysis app. The app aimed to empower users through detailed body metrics, celebrity body comparisons, personalized style recommendations, and even calculated clothing size suggestions across major fashion brands. H&L Consulting was engaged to architect and develop the Android frontend.


  • The app needed to streamline the process of recording a diverse array of body measurements (manual entry and potential future integrations with smart wearables).
  • Features like ‘Body Twin’ and fashion sizing relied on multi-step inputs and background calculations, requiring a user experience that guided without overwhelming.
  • Translating raw biometric data into meaningful insights and style advice presented a UI/UX challenge. Seamless navigation to recommended clothing items was also key.


  • H&L Consulting implemented forms with clear instructions and visual aids to simplify the data entry process, ensuring accuracy and user satisfaction.
  • Progress indicators, dynamic displays, and context-sensitive help features were incorporated to communicate how calculations worked without disrupting the user flow.
  • The frontend communicated seamlessly with AllAthlete’s backend, syncing data, handling calculation requests, and fetching fashion brand sizing dynamically.


  • The app empowered users to visualize body composition beyond simple weight tracking. Analysis tools turned raw data into targeted improvement areas and even celebrity-inspired style guides.
  • Calculated clothing sizes across various brands helped users make informed fashion choices directly within the app, fostering a stronger connection between fitness and personal style.
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